Author: ebutto

Taller: Construye tu Agente Conversacional con AG2 y Simulaciones de IA 🚀

Reading Time: 2 minutes

🔹 ¿Te gustaría crear un agente conversacional que interactúe con usuarios y otros agentes en simulaciones realistas?

🔹 ¿Quieres explorar cómo los modelos de lenguaje pueden revolucionar la forma en que aprendemos y entrenamos habilidades?

En este taller práctico aprenderás a usar el AG2 framework para diseñar y desplegar tres agentes conversacionales capaces de participar en simulaciones dinámicas:

  • 🤖 Scenario Creation Agent – Diseña escenarios personalizados para la práctica de habilidades.
Read the rest “Taller: Construye tu Agente Conversacional con AG2 y Simulaciones de IA 🚀”

SkillChamber Agent Engine v0.0.1 powers the new LingoStand v8.0.0

Reading Time: 2 minutes


  • Creation of a MultiAgent engine, baptized Skill Chamber, to be specialized in learning through specialized simulations, using the AG2 framework.
  • First 3 main Agents created to power language learning through LingoStand:
    • Scenario Creator Agent
    • Game Master Agent
    • Evaluator Agent

  • Allows personalized data to be passed, so agents know personalized preferences and target areas of improvments
  • New Correction system:
    • Critical errors are corrected through the experience
    • All errors are shown in a new pop up
    • Model Sentence added: Showing how to say something perfectly
    • Title Auto Save with the simulation name
  • Simulation Adapts to 3 skill levels
  • Implements Permissions mechanism per user roles
    • Introduces debug view for ADMINS roles
    • Sets the stech for Teacher or Mentor view
  • Creates Chat options Pop Up, and moves some options and created new ones there.
Read the rest “SkillChamber Agent Engine v0.0.1 powers the new LingoStand v8.0.0”

Natural Learning, Artificial Intelligence: Because Experience is the Best Professor

Reading Time: 8 minutes

“You are the Dragon and I am the Knight, but in this version they become friends, ok daddy?”

My 4-year-old son took me to a world of his own creation, animatedly playing out scenes with his favorite characters.… Read the rest “Natural Learning, Artificial Intelligence: Because Experience is the Best Professor”

Embrace Silence & Breath Life

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Breath Life

Random, short silences welcome chaos and disease.

Rhythmic and longer silences give way to healing.

Very long silence allows thought to breathe life.

The Girl Who Painted Dreams

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily who loved to paint. She loved the feel of the brush in her hand and the way the colors blended together to create images that only she could see.… Read the rest “The Girl Who Painted Dreams”

A System for the System: Building a custom platform to assist growth and inclusion

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Development Time4.25 Months
MethodologyContinuous Delivery
Iteration Duration2 weeks
Current Iterations 8.5
PlatformOnline: Cloud, Web, Mobile

El Sistema: Inclusion and growth through music learning

I remember the first time I heard about the El Sistema.… Read the rest “A System for the System: Building a custom platform to assist growth and inclusion”

Becoming an Innovator – Pt 1 – Agile vs Lean Startup

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The first thing that slapped me in the face while reading The Lean Startup by Eric Ries is the difference between the Agile and the Lean Startup methodologies.

Honestly, I thought that they were the same thing: Iterations!… Read the rest “Becoming an Innovator – Pt 1 – Agile vs Lean Startup”

A thank you letter to the JHipster Team

Reading Time: 11 minutes


My name is Ernesto Buttó, I’m Co-Funder with Cindy Marin of a small software company (currently 3 people) called Cindy recently did a workshop in Women Tech Makers Barcelona 2018 about JHipster, and I wanted to say a few words about how JHipster has impacted our lives and the people around us.… Read the rest “A thank you letter to the JHipster Team”

Software Integration and the Sacredness of Time: Going digital without blowing up

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Scotty: She’s all yours, sir. All systems automated and ready. A chimpanzee and two trainees could run her!

Captain Kirk: Thank you, Mr. Scott. I’ll try not to take that personally.


Once upon a time, far away by the lands of the west, in a meeting room filled with business life…

Software Vendor: “.… Read the rest “Software Integration and the Sacredness of Time: Going digital without blowing up”

5 valuable life lessons learned while building a new language learning app in a high tech world, LingoStand.

Reading Time: 17 minutes

“He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche

It’s 4:30 am, somewhere in Girona / Spain, May 2018, and I’m in a small studio… coding frantically.

The idea came 30 minutes ago, waking up at night and yelling at me:

“Get up and look at this!!,Read the rest “5 valuable life lessons learned while building a new language learning app in a high tech world, LingoStand.”

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